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This page shows all aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as Evektor EV-97 Eurostar. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

  95-SDEvektor EV-97 Eurostarc/n: History: 95-SD/F-JFCF
Spotted: LFPA 20100919
95-SD at LFPA 20100919 | Evektor EV-97 Eurostar
Picture at: LFPA 20100919
  59-DTAEvektor EV-97 Eurostarc/n: History: 59-DTA
Spotted: EBCF 20190620
59-DTA at EBCF 20190620 | Evektor EV-97 Eurostar
Picture at: EBCF 20190620
F-JZIQ/59-DBGEvektor EV-97 Eurostarc/n: 2005-2410built 2005
History: 59-DBG/F-JZIQ
Spotted: LFQO 20100919, LFAB 20170607
Picture at: LFQO 20100919
  D-MMFHEvektor EV-97 Eurostarc/n: 2005-2413built 2005
History: (2006)D-MMFH
Spotted: EDHE 20140620
D-MMFH at EDHE 20140620 | Evektor EV-97 Eurostar
Picture at: EDHE 20140620
59-GULEvektor EV-97 Eurostarc/n: 2007-3103History: 59-GUL/F-JXNE
Spotted: LFQO 20100919
Picture at: LFQO 20100919
  F-JROIEvektor EV-97 Eurostarc/n: 2009-3702History: (95-AAM)/F-JROI
Spotted: LFPA 20100919
F-JROI at LFPA 20100919 | Evektor EV-97 Eurostar
Picture at: LFPA 20100919